Although our production is low budget it could possibly interest hollywood studies; large film productions have already recreated a rapstars jorney to fame through the film 'Notorious BIG' released by Fox Searchlight Pictures.
The film would most likely seek most interest from small british film companies like Film4 which wouldn't expect our production to gain a great profit. Film4 would enable the film to be released in cinemas, onto the channel, also gain interest audience through the use of advertisement on both the Film4 website and through the channel. As our production is low cost this would be the most likely reason for a relatively small film company distributing our production.
We have call our group 'Sharrison Productions.' A similar production company that we would compare our company to be most simirlar would be a company like Celador Films.
A production company is responsible for supervising the filming from concept to completion, and they hold the sole legal and financial responsibility of the movie as a whole.
We decided that we wanted to create a animation with the group's production name at the start. We believed this owuld our final video look more proffesional. We used adobe after effects to create the animation, exported the clip, then added a sound affect.
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